Investigación, infografía y fotografías hechas por Mónica Alejandra Rodríguez Sosa. Gracias al Internationale Journalisten Programm. Publicado el 18 de agosto de 2014 en El Universal C.P.N
Infographic Exercise
Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas, The University of Texas at Austin
(Online course)
Introduction to Infographics and Data Visualization for journalist, by Alberto Cairo, an internationally renowned expert who teaches at the University of Miami. History regarding infographics and analysis of raw data, visualization of information.
January-March 2012.
Infographic Exercise
Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas, The University of Texas at Austin
(Online course)
Introduction to Infographics and Data Visualization for journalist, by Alberto Cairo, an internationally renowned expert who teaches at the University of Miami. History regarding infographics and analysis of raw data, visualization of information.
January-March 2012.

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